Volume 1
– 1996
Revision des Nychiodes
waltheri (F.
Wagner 1919) Art. 1, Beitrag: Die Balkanhalbinsel (Lepidoptera:
of Nychiodes waltheri F. Wagner 1919 species.
Study 1. The Balcanian Peninsula
Imre Fazekas1
Naturhistorische Sammlung, Városház
tér 1, H-7300 KOMLÓ, Ungarn
article no.: Entomologica romanica 1: 3-16, 1996
Summary: The author marks out the lectotypes
and the paralectotypes of the waltheri
species. He draws the character of the wing
morphology and the genital structure. The
geographical spreading of the species is
demonstrating on maps on the basis of the studied
material. |
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Macrolepidopterele din sudul Dobrogei
Makrolepidoptera der Süddobrudscha (Südostrumäniens)
László Rákosy1,
Levente Székely2
de Cercetări Biologice, Republicii 48,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
.2Str. Fîneţii nr. 15, Săcele, Braşov, Romania
article no.: Entomologica romanica 1: 17-62,
Vorliegende Arbeit umfaßt sämtliche bekannte Daten über die
sogenannten “Makrolepidopteren" (einschließlich Cossidae,
Hepialidae, Sesiidae und Zygaenidae) aus dem südlichen Teil der
Dobrudscha (Südostrumänien).
Ausgehend von eigenen und Literaturdaten weisen die Autoren 792
Arten und Unterarten von Makrolepidopteren, nach.
Die wissenschaftliche Bedeutung der Ökosysteme der südlichren
Dobrudscha liegt auch in der Anzahl von über 45 Taxa von
Makrolepidopteren, die aus diesem Gebiet erstmalig für die Fauna
Rumäniens erwähnt Wurden. Über 40 Arten sind aus anderen Teilen
Rumäniens nicht bekannt (z.B.: Dyspessa salicicola,
Malacosoma castrensis shardaghi, Nychiodes waltheri, Asovia
maeoticaria, Dyscia sicanaria osmanica, Pyrgus
armoricanus, Zerynthia cerysi ferdinandi, Pseudophilotes bavius
egea, Z. osterodensis, Z. loti caliacrensis, Z. purpuralis
pluto, Cryphia tephrocharis, Luperina dumerilii, Euxoa glabella,
Dichagyris melanura albida, Agrotis obesa nivea, Yigoga flavina,
Episema lederi, E. korsakovi pennatula u.a.).
Die zoogeographische Analyse der Familie der Noctuidae
berechtigt die Autoren zu der Behauptung, daß sich im Süden der
Dobrudscha die größte Anzahl pontische und pontomediterrane
Elemente der Fauna Rumäniens konzentriert. Die Wälder und die
reliktäre Steppe der südlichen Dobrudscha bewahren Pflanzen- und
Tiergemeinschaften, die in anderen Teilen Europas nicht
Leider erlitten gerade diese interessanten Gebiete und
Ökosysteme in den letzten Jahren Zerstörungen, die sich in der
Reduzierung der Anzahl der Arten bei Pflanzen und Tieren äußern.
Neben Faktoren die diese Umweltschäden bewirken, werden von den
Autoren konkrete Maßnahmen zum Schutz, und Erhalt der Ökosysteme
Die Arbeit schließt mit der vollständigen faunistischen
Artenliste mit Hinweisen betreffend die Häufigkeit und mit der
Aufzählung der genauen Fundorte |
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Heteroptere noi pentru fauna României (Insecta:
heteropterans for the Romanian fauna (Insecta: Heteroptera)
Béla Kis1
1Babeş-Bolyai University,
Catedra de Zoologie, Clinicilor 5-7, 40006 Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
County, Romania
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 1: 63-67, 1996
Summary: 6 Heteroptera species new for the
Romanian fauna are given. These species are:
Elatophilus nigricornis, Loricula elegantula,
Galeatus affinis, Tingis (Tropidocheila) hellenica,
Salda litoralis and Berytinus (Lizinus)
distinguendus. These species are belonging for
different families and has collected from different
areas of Romania in the period 1974-1994. Each
species is accompanying by a brief description and a
figure, brief biological data and geographical
Rezumat: În lucrarea de faţă
sunt cuprinse 6 specii de Heteroptera, care până
acum nu au fost cunoscute în România. Aceste specii
aparţin mai multor familii şi au fost colectate în
diferite zone geografice din România în perioada
1974-1994. |
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noi sau mai puţin
cunoscute de Buprestoidea (Coleoptera: Buprestoidea) pentru fauna României din colecţia Dr. N.
Săvulescu de la Muzeul de Istorie Naturală „Grigore Antipa” din
New of few
recording species of Buprestoidea (Coleoptera: Buprestoidea) from
the Romanian fauna of the collection Dr. N. Săvulescu from the „Grigore
Antipa” Museum of Natural History, Bucharest
Adrian Ruicănescu1 &
Rodica Serafim2
de Cercetări Biologice, Republicii
48, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2Muzeul de Istorie Naturală
"Grigore Antipa", şoseaua Kiseleff, nr. 1,
Bucureşti, Sectorul 1, Romania
article no.: Entomologica romanica 1:
69-76, 1996
Summary: According to records and reviews of
the taxa of Nicolae Săvulescu's
Buprestoidea collection we found out the
presence of 6 new species to the Romanian fauna:
Sphenoptera (Chilostetha) substriata, S. (C.)
petriceki, Dicerca (Argante) moesta, Palmar festiva,
Anthaxia (s.str.) midas and Chrysobothris
leonhardi. The species Anthaxia
kiessenwetteri, Anthaxia rossica, Anthaxia anatolica
and Anthaxia nigrojubata incognita are known
in Romania only from a few recordings from papers
published abroad.
Within this paper there are figures and
identification keys of the species mentioned above
as well as of those they resemble mostly from the
Romanian fauna.
The suitable labels of the specimens, the host
plants and the zoogeographical origins and
distribution are also given. |
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Imbalances between the sexes in Mantis
religiosa populations
Dezechilibrul dintre sexe în populaţiile de Mantis
Ildikó Hideg1
Eotvos University, P.O. Box 514, H-1055, Budapest,
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 1:
77-82, 1996
Rezumat: Însumând rezultatele
cercetărilor conduse timp de 17 ani într-o arie
experimentală din Budapesta, am fost surprinsă de
raportul inegal dintre sexe la Mantis religiosa.
Cauza principală este dată de partenogeneza
specifică acestei specii, iar cauza secundară, de
mortalitatea crescută a descendenţei mascule. |
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Studii ecologice la specii de lepidoptere nocturne în
zona Cluj (Transilvania, România), prin cercetări cu
capcane feromonale şi capcane luminoase. 1.
Caracterizarea zonei, metoda de lucru, lista sistematică
şi consideraţii asupra abundenţei speciilor de Noctuidea
capturate la capcana luminoasă (1986-1990)
Ecological studies on nocturnal Lepidoptera species in
Cluj area (Transylvania, Romania) by means of pheromonal
and light traps. 1. The caracterisation of the region,
methods, the systematique list and considerations about
abundance of Noctuidea species catched in light traps
during 1986-1990
Gheorghe Stan1, Ioan Coroiu2 & László
de Cercetări Biologice, Republicii
48, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2Babeş-Bolyai University, Catedra de Zoologie, Clinicilor 5-7, 40006 Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
County, Romania
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 1:
83-137, 1996
Ecological studies in Lepidoptera species with
nocturnal behavior, on the basis of sampling data
with light and pheromone traps (and other methods),
are part of biological, ecological and behavioural
researches for monitoring insect species and control
in pest Lepidoptera. These studies were initiated in
Cluj area (Romania) in 1980 at Institute of
Biological Research, Laboratory of Experimental
In the paper are presented the species list, catched
in light trap during 1986-1990, the type of light
trap, the period of flight and variation in
abundance for Noctuoidea populations. The catched
fauna were analysed in correlation with vegetation,
and possible relationships between species and the
preferential host plants were presented for
characteristic habitats of the area (grasslands and
hay fields, wet meadows, river meadows forests,
deciduous forests, shrubs, vegetable culture and
another agroecosystems). On the other hand, the
concept of pest species in the area was discussed.
During 1986-1990 were catched 42250 individuals for
320 species and the Noctuidae family was prevalent.
The population variability and variation in
abundance were analysed by means of the quotient of
generation (CG), the index of overwintering (IH)
(after Meszaros et al. 1979), the coefficient of
variation (Cv) (after Spitzer & Rejmanek 1980;
Rejmanek & Spitzer 1982), the annual ratio (RA) for
monovoltine species, and the regression equation (y=a+bX;
where y is the mean annual catch ant the X is the
For bivoltine and monovoltine species (with mean >
10 individuals/year, and mean< 10 individuals/year),
the realtion between the coefficient of variation
and mean was analysed by means of the regression
equation (where y is Cv and X is the mean). A good
cluster and a positive correlation was obtained for
bivoltine species with the mean between 10-60
individuals and Cv=0.28-1.43. For majority of
species, sex ratio (RS), the sexual index (IS) and
the emergence model (the phonologic type) were
established. These parameters were utilised with
their initial meaning after cited authors, and they
were a good modality in ecological studies for
lepidoptera populations.
For catch, two types of traps were used (Fig. 2,
Fig. 3) and they were installed in characteristic
habitats (Fig. 10). The influence of light trap
model, the site and quality of the light source on
the level of catches (Table 5) was analysed. The
importance of the light trap for ecological studies
in insects as sampling method, single or in
combination with another techniques is discussed.
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Studii ecologice la specii de lepidoptere nocturne în
zona Cluj (Transilvania, România), prin cercetări cu
capcane feromonale şi capcane luminoase. 2. Evaluarea
numărului de spermatofori şi ouă în studiul capacităţii
reproductive la femelele unor specii de lepidoptere
capturate în capcana luminoasă
studies on nocturnal Lepidoptera species in Cluj area
(Transylvania, Romania) by means of pheromonal and light traps.
2. Evaluation of the number of spermatophores and eggs for the
study of reproductive capacity in female Lepidoptera species
catched in light trap
Gheorghe Stan1, Viorica
Chis2, Ioan Coroiu2 & László
de Cercetări Biologice, Republicii
48, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2Babeş-Bolyai University, Catedra de Zoologie, Clinicilor 5-7, 40006 Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
County, Romania
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 1:
139-158, 1996
Summary: Reproductive status of females in 86
Lepidoptera species (with 8620 individuals)
collected in light trap, was anlysed by
spermatophores and eggs counts. Only females with
maximum 10 individuals per species were considered.
The number of spermatophores was determined by
dissecting the bursa copulatrix and the amount of
mass eggs were noted and counted in ovarioles and
oviductus communis. The stages of eggs evolution
were classified as immature eggs (no chorionated
oocytes), and mature eggs (chorionated oocytes).
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