14 – 2009
Confirmation du rang spécifique d’Hipparchia syriaca
Staudinger (1871) par élevage et examen en Grèce du
principe d’exclusion d’H. fagi et syriaca
que Lorković (1976) avait découvert en Dalmatie
(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae)
David Jutzeler1, Tristan Lafranchis2,
Rudi Verovnik3
& Guido Volpe4
4 CH-8307 Effretikon
2GR-25003 Diakopto
Faculty, Dept. of Biology, Vecna pot 111, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mimose, Torre Orientale 1, I-81030 Castel Volturno (Caserta)
article no.: Entomologica romanica 14: 5-12, 2009
Summary: Based on an examination of the
genital armatures of both sexes and the hindwing
underside pattern of ♀♀, Lorković (1976)
demonstrated that Hipparchia syriaca should
be considered as a distinct species separate from
H. fagi, alcyone and genava. This has
been confirmed by the present study based on the
rearing of H. syriaca from Dalmatia. Lorković
(1976) demonstrated that, in Dalmatia, this species
occupied a coastal strip extending up to 700m, from
where H. fagi was absent. However, from a
study of the two species in Greece by T.L., the
exclusion of the two species was not evident.
Zusammenfassung: Lorković (1976) hat durch
Untersuchung der Genitalarmaturen beider
Geschlechter und der unterseitigen Zeichnung der
Hinterflügel von ♀♀ von Hipparchia syriaca
gezeigt, dass dieser Augenfalter als eine von
Hipparchia fagi, alcyone und genava
verschiedene Art angesehen werden muss. Die hier
vorgestellte Zucht von H. syriaca aus
Dalmatien bestätigt diesen Befund. Lorković (1976)
hatte auch die Verbreitung von H. syriaca in
Dalmatien untersucht und dabei festgestellt, dass
diese Art dort einen Küstenstreifen mit Obergrenze
bei etwa 700 m ü. M. bewohnt, wo Hipparchia fagi
fehlt. Tristan Lafranchis beschäftigte sich mit
der Verbreitung der beiden Arten in Griechenland und
fand hier das Ausschlussprinzip von fagi und
syriaca nicht bestätigt.
Key words:
Satyrinae, biology of Hipparchia syriaca,
rearing, Lorković, exclusion of syriaca and
fagi, Dalmatia, Greece
e-mail: david.jutzeler@bluewin.ch, lafranchis@yahoo.fr,
rudi.verovnik@bf.uni-lj.si, arion@arion2000.net |
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Survival of dragonfly Libellula fulva males
according to their mating status: a four year study
Noémi Szállassy1,
Zoltán D. Szabó2
Beáta H. Nagy3
University, Fac. of Psych. and Sci. of Educ., Dept. of Math. and
Sci. Teaching Education, Sindicatelor Street 7, 400029,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2Babeş Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and
Geology, Dept. of Taxonomy and Ecology, Clinicilor Street 5-7,
400006, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
3Romanian Ornithological Society (BirdLife Romania),
OP 7, CP 18, 400370, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
article no.: Entomologica romanica 14: 13-17,
Summary: The dragonfly is one of the favoured
experimental groups of behavioural ecology. They can be marked
individually and can be easily tracked without considerable
disturbing. The use of mark-recapture models for measuring the
survival and recapture rate of individuals allows a better
understanding of the processes of population dinamics. During
four seasons (2000-2003), a closed Libellula fulva (Müller,
1764) population was studied along a creek in Eastern Hungary.
The movement of marked and solitary males was observed with
binoculars and it was recorded along a 350 meter natural section
of the Kutas-channel. Our aim was to analyse the recapture and
survival rate of two male groups of scarce chaser (Libellula
fulva) by using mark-recapture models. The model-selection
showed that the recapture rate of mated males was higher than of
solitary ones. Survival rate of mating males was also higher in
every year than the survival of the solitary individuals. This
result suggest, that even if it is costly for males to occupy
and defend a territory, finding, guarding and mating a female,
the succesful males have still a higher survival rate.
Rezumat: Libelulele (Odonata) reprezintă una dintre grupele
ţintă ale ecologiei comportamentale. Pentru a putea estima
corect rata de supravieţuire şi mortalitatea indivizilor este
necesar ca indivizii să fie marcaţi. Din rata de recapturare sau
de observare a indivizilor marcaţi se poate deduce schimbarea
parametrilor demografici. Odonatele sunt subiecte ideale ale
studiilor de acest fel, deoarece, în special, între Anisoptere
întâlnim specii bune zburătoare, care pot fi marcate şi
observate cu uşurinţă fără a fi deranjate. Studiul s-a
desfăşurat timp de patru ani între 2000-2003 dealungul canalului
Kutas, lângă graniţa Ungariei cu România. Scopul lucrării este
estimarea ratei de supravieţuire şi de recapturare a masculilor
solitari şi în pereche cu ajutorul modelelor de
capturare-recapturare în cadrul unei populaţii de Libellula
fulva. Rata de supravieţuire şi de recapturare a masculilor
în pereche a fost mai mare în fiecare an decât cea a masculilor
solitari. Concluzia studiului este că deşi pentru masculii în
pereche ocuparea şi protejarea teritoriului, capturarea femelei
şi copulaţia este costisitoare, rata lor de supravieţuire şi de
recapturare este mai mare decât a masculilor solitari.
Key words: survival rate, recapture rate, mating success,
Libellula fulva.
e-mail: szallassy@gmail.com |
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Camponotus tergestinus Müller, 1921 (Hymenoptera:
Formicidae): first records of a rare species for Romania
and Hungary
Armin Ionescu-Hirsch1, Bálint Markó2
& Sándor Csősz3
of Zoology, George S. Wise Faculty, of Life
Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 69978,
2Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of
Biology and Geology, Department of Taxonomy and
Ecology, Clinicilor 5-7, 40006 Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
County, Romania
3Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural
History, Museum, H-1088 Baross u. 13, Budapest,
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 14: 19-22, 2009
Summary: Some new records of Camponotus
tergestinus Müller, a rare sub-Mediterranean
species, from Romania and Hungary are reported. Its
distribution and a comparison with its closest
relative C. fallax are briefly discussed.
Rezumat: Comunicăm câteva date noi ale
speciei Camponotus tergestinus Müller din
România şi Ungaria. Discutăm pe scurt distribuţia
acestei specii sub-meditareene rare şi o comparăm
morfologia cu C. fallax
Key words: Formicidae, Camponotus
tergestinus, distribution, Hungary, Romania.
e-mail: armini@post.tau.ac.il, balintm@gmail.com,
csosz@zoo.zoo.nhmus.hu |
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Contributions to the knowledge of the Pterophoridae (Lepidoptera)
fauna of Romania
Valeriu Albu1
Oak Meadow Ln., Friant, CA 93626
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 14:
23-28, 2009
Summary: The paper presents 16 species of
plume moths sampled at irregular intervals over the
last 31 years in different locations of Romania.
Aside from the more widespread species, it presents
a number of rarely documented ones and it confirms
some older, prior to 1980, records. Hellinsia
tephradactyla (Hübner, 1813) and Wheeleria
obsoletus (Zeller, 1841) are recorded for the
first time from Transilvania. The larval food plants
are given for each of the discussed species, as
found in recent literature.
Rezumat: Articolul prezintă 16 specii de
pteroforide capturate la intervale neregulate pe
teritoriul României în ultimii 31 de ani. Pe lângă
specii comune şi bine cunoscute de pe întreaga zonǎ
exploratǎ, sunt prezentate şi unele specii mai rar
întâlnite. Totodată sunt semnalate câteva specii a
căror prezenţǎ era atestatǎ doar de capturi mai
vechi, dinainte de 1980. Hellinsia tephradactyla
(Hübner, 1813) şi Wheeleria obsoletus
(Zeller, 1841) sunt semnalate pentru prima oara din
Transilvania. Fiecare specie discutatǎ are o scurtă
notă de precizare a hranei larvare, compilatǎ din
sursele bibliografice
Key words: plume moths, Balkan lepidoptera,
Carpathian fauna, Eastern European moths.
valalbu@netptc.net |
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Genus Camponotus Mayr, 1861 (Hymenoptera:
Formicidae) in Romania: distribution and identification
key to the worker caste
Bálint Markó1, Armin Ionescu-Hirsch2,
Annamária Szász-Len1
1Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of
Biology and Geology, Department of Taxonomy and
Ecology, Clinicilor 5-7, 40006 Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County, Romania
2Department of Zoology, George S. Wise Faculty
of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv
69978, Israel
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 14:
29-41, 2009
Summary: The genus Camponotus is one
of the largest ant genera in Romania, with 11
species distributed across the entire country. In
the framework of this study we present the
distribution data of eleven Camponotus
species in Romania: C. herculeanus, C. ligniperda,
C. vagus, C. truncatus, C. atricolor, C. dalmaticus,
C. fallax, C. lateralis, C. piceus, C. tergestinus,
C. aethiops. The occurrence of C. sylvaticus
in Romania is questionable, since the only published
data are from the 19th century and the species could
easily have been misidentified due to the lack of
appropriate keys at that time. In addition to these
data a key is provided to the worker caste of these
species, including species with likely occurrence in
Rezumat: Genul Camponotus este unul
dintre cele mai mari genuri de furnici din România
conţinând 11 specii distribuite pe tot cuprinsul
ţării. În cadrul acestui studiu prezentăm datele de
distribuţie a celor 11 specii de Camponotus:
C. herculeanus, C. ligniperda, C. vagus, C.
truncatus, C. atricolor, C. dalmaticus, C. fallax,
C. lateralis, C. piceus, C. tergestinus, C. aethiops.
Prezenţa speciei C. sylvaticus în România
este nesigură, deoarece singurele date despre
această specie au fost publicate în secolul al
XIX-lea, iar la acea vreme datorită lipsei cheilor
moderne de determinare specia respectivă putea fi
confundată cu uşurinţă cu alte specii din acelaşi
gen. Pe lângă datele şi hărţile de distribuţie
articolul oferă şi o cheie de determinare pentru
lucrătoarele acestui gen incluzând şi specii cu
posibilă prezenţă pe teritoriul ţării
Key words: ants, Camponotus,
distribution, key, Romania.
e-mail: balintm@gmail.com,
armini@post.tau.ac.il, anici16@yahoo.com |
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