10 – 2005
The Macrolepidoptera (Insecta: Lepidoptera) from
Istriţa Hill (Buzău County, Romania)
Vlad Dincă1
Doja street, no. 5 bl. 36 C2, ap. 44, Ploieşti,
article no.: Entomologica romanica 10: 5-24, 2005
Rezumat: Subcarpaţii României şi în special
Subcarpaţii Curburii, reprezintă o veritabilă „pată
albă” din punct de vedere lepidopterofaunistic.
Prezenta lucrare cuprinde rezultatele cercetărilor
asupra macrolepidopterelor din zona Dealului Istriţa
(jud. Buzău), efectuate în perioada aprilie
1996-septembrie 2005. Printre cei 521 taxoni
identificaţi se numără o serie de specii valoroase
din punct de vedere zoogeografic, puţin cunoscute de
pe teritoriul României sau chiar al Europei, precum:
Hipparchia volgensis delattini Kudrna, 1975,
Scotopteryx ignorata Huemer & Hausmann, 1998,
Cucullia fraterna Butler, 1878, Euxoa
vitta (Esper, 1789), Euxoa hastifera
pomazensis Kovács, 1952, Aedia leucomelas
(Linnaeus, 1758) Chrysodeixis chalcites (Esper,
1789), Dichagyris candelisequa ([Denis &
Schiffermüller], 1775), etc. Dealul Istriţa (749 m)
se remarcă în mod special prin prezenţa versanţilor
calcaroşi cu expoziţie sudică care reprezintă
habitatul optim al unor specii de lepidoptere
termofile şi xerotermofile cunoscute din foarte
puţine localităţi ale României. Pe lângă asemănările
semnificative cu lepidopterofauna Dobrogei, datele
prezente în lucrare atestă existenţa unei
continuităţi între lepidopterofauna din sud-estul şi
cea din sud-vestul ţării noastre, continuitate
realizată la nivelul dealurilor subcarpatice, în
condiţiile în care regiunile de câmpie au suferit şi
suferă încă transformări profunde datorate
puternicelor presiuni antropozoogene.
Keywords: Macrolepidoptera, Curvature
Subcarpathians, faunistics, limestone, zoogeography
e-mail: sudistu@yahoo.com |
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Thysanoptera (Insecta) from Transylvania
Gábor Jenser1,
Liliana Vasiliu-Oromulu2,
Katalin Orbán3
& Ágnes Szénási4
Protection Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1525
Budadapest Pf. 102. Hungary
2Institute of Biology, Romanian Academy, Spl.
Independentei 296, Bucharest-6, Romania
3Unitatea Fitosanitara Covasna, Sfîntu Gheorghe, Str.
Recoltei 51. Romania
4Deptartment of Plant Protection, Szent István
University. H-2103 Gödöllő, Hungary
article no.: Entomologica romanica 10: 25-32,
Summary: Hundred-twelve species of
Thysanoptera are recorded from Transylvania. Information are
given on the locality, data, host plants and also individual
densities. Odontothrips dorycnii Priesner, Thrips
albopilosus Uzel, Thrips conferticornis Priesner,
Thrips klapaleki Uzel were found to be new for the Romanian
Key words: Thysanoptera, Transylvania.
jenserg@hu.inter.net |
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Some new records and rare species for the
Romanian spider fauna (Arachnida: Araneae)
István Urák1
& Róbert Gallé2
Căpeni, Kinizsi 235, Romania
2University of
Szeged, Department of Ecology, H-6722 Szeged,
Egyetem u. 2. Hungary
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 10: 33-35, 2005
Summary: Trichoncus hackmani Millidge,
1955 and Collinsia distincta (Simon 1884) are
new species, Collinsia O. P.-Cambridge, 1913
is a new genera for Romania. The occurrences of
Meioneta affinis (Kulczynski, 1898), Clubiona
diversa O.P.-Cambridge, 1862, C. stagnatilis
Kulczynski, 1897 and Zelotes clivicola (L.Koch,
1870) are confirmed.
Key words: Romania, new records, faunistics,
e-mail: kui@email.ro |
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The community structure of the ground dwelling carabid beetles (Coleoptera:
Carabidae) and spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) in peat bog “Mohos”
(Transylvania, Romania)
István Máthé1, István Urák2,
Adalbert Balog3 & Enikő Balázs4
University, Department of Natural and Technological
Sciences, RO-530104 Miercurea Ciuc, Piaţa Libertăţii
Nr. 1
2Sapientia University, Department of
Natural Sciences, RO-400112 Cluj Napoca, Str. Matei
Corvin Nr. 4
3Sapientia University, Department
Humanities and Technical Sciences, RO-540053 Târgu
Mures, Piaţa Trandafirilor Nr. 61
4Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of
Biology and Geology, Cluj-Napoca, Str. Clinicilor
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 10:
37-42, 2005
1. Were examined the community structure indices
(dominance, similarity, diversity) of carabid
beetles and spiders in the peat bog Mohos in the
East of Transylvania (Romania).
2. Studies were carried out in four different
habitats: in Scoth pines forest, in birch forest, in
meadow and in the nearest beech forest.
3. During the survey the peat bog carabid fauna were
the purest (84 specimens belonging to the 17
species) and the beech forest fauna were the richest
(606 specimen belonging to the 21 species), while
the spider fauna were represented inverse (546
specimens and 48 species in peat bog and 119
specimens and 12 species in beech forest).
4. We can conclude that the habitat structure (soil
types, plant cover) and the disturbances have a
significant role in forming the dominance of species
and also the diversity and the similarity of the
communities are highly influenced
Key words: Carabidae beetles, spiders, beech,
pine, birch, meadow, diversity, similarity.
e-mail: matheistvan@sapientia.siculorum.ro,
kui@email.ro, balogadalbert2002@yahoo.co.uk |
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Leaf beetle biodiversity in the low Arieş river basin
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Alexandru Crişan1
& Lucian Teodor1
„Babeş-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Biologie
şi Geologie, Catedra de Taxonomie şi Ecologie, Str.
Clinicilor 5-7, RO – 400006, Cluj-Napoca
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 10:
43-52, 2005
Într-un studiu efectuat pe
parcursul anului 2004 asupra crizomelidelor, în
principalele ecosisteme naturale din 8 localităţi
din zona bazinului inferior al Arieşului, s-au
identificat 106 specii din 31 de genuri şi 7
subfamilii. Au dominat speciile de Longitarsus
şi Cryptocephalus, au fost de asemenea bine
reprezentate genurile Phyllotreta, Cassida şi
Chrysolina, iar cele mai multe genuri au fost
reprezentate prin doar 1-2 specii. Dintre subfamilii,
au dominat Alticinae şi Chrysomelinae, iar
Cryptocephalinae a fost de asemenea mai bine
reprezentată. S-au evidenţiat de asemenea un număr
de 21 de specii de crizomelide care pot fi
considerate rare, cu statut de periclitate.
Key words: leaf-beetles, biodiversity, low
Arieş river basin
acrisan@hasdeu.ubbcluj.ro |
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Zum Vorkommen von Eosolenobia manni (Zeller,
1852) in Rumänien mit einem Überblick zur
Gesamtverbreitung in Europa (Lepidoptera: Psychidae)
Michael Weidlich1
11, D – 15898 Neißemünde OT Ratzdorf, Germany
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 10:
53-57, 2005
Summary: In the present paper a review about
the distribution of E. manni in Romania is
given. In addition to the historical record from the
former province of Moldova in the Eastern
Carpathians 10 actually records made by the author
in the Eastern – and Southern-Carpathians are
metioned. Also a description of the zoological
situation in Europe and aspects to the Biology of
the romanian populations are included.
Key words: biogeography, Carpathiens,
Romania, Eosolenobia, Psychidae, Lepidoptera.
weidlich-weser@t-online.de |
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Site fidelity and fluctuating asymmetry in males of
Libellula fulva (Odonata: Libellulidae)
Beáta Nagy1,
Annamária Székely1
& Noémi Szállassy1
of Taxonomy and Ecology, Babeş-Bolyai University,
RO-400006 Cluj Napoca, Clinicilor str. 5-7
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 10:
59-64, 2005
Summary: During two seasons (2002-2003), a
closed Libellula fulva (Müller, 1764)
population was studied along a small, canalized
creek in Eastern Hungary. The territorial behaviour
of males was observed with the mark-recapture
method. A number of 169 males were marked in 2002,
and 186 males in 2003. The movement of marked males
was observed with binoculars, and was recorded along
a 350 meter natural section of the stream that was
marked every five meters with numbered sticks. The
site fidelity of males was studied with the
localisation index (LI) and site fidelity index (SFI).
We found that the SFI of males that simultaneously
defended three territories was high, while the LI
was highest in the case of males that protected only
one area. The purpose of the study was to see if
male’s site fidelity is related to wing asymmetry
and body size. There was no correlation between
male’s site fidelity and the measure of wing
asymmetry in 2002. In 2003, however, a significant
correlation was found in the case of males which
defended only one territory. There was no
correlation between body size and SFI.
Key words: site fidelity, territoriality,
fluctuating asymmetry, territorial behaviour,
Libellula fulva.
e-mail: nagy.beata@gmail.com,
szanemarie@yahoo.com, szallassy@yahoo.com |
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Additions to the Cylindrotomidae,
Limoniidae and Pediciidae species (Diptera) in Romania
and Bulgaria
Lujza Ujvárosi1
of Taxonomy and Ecology, Faculty of Biology and
Geology, Babeş-Bolyai University, RO - 400006, 5-7,
Clinicilor Str., Cluj-Napoca, Romania
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 10:
65-70, 2005
Summary: Between 2000 and 2005 a number of
173 different Limoniidae and Pediciidae species were
collected from diffrent sites in Romania and
Bulgaria. A number of 21 species are new records to
the Romanian fauna, as Austrolimnophila (A.)
brevicellula Stary, 1977; Hexatoma (E.)
grisea (Riedel, 1914); Hexatoma (H.)
fuscipennis (Curtis, 1826); Idioptera
macropteryx (Tjeder, 1955); Phylidorea (Ph.)
abdominalis (Staeger, 1840); Cheilotrichia
(E.) coerulea Stary, 1987; Hoplolabis (P.)
spinosa (Nielsen, 1953); Idiocera (Idiocera)
punctata Edwards, 1938; Molophilus (M.)
brevihammatus Bangerter, 1947; M. (M.)
ermolenkoi Savchenko, 1976; M. (M.)
priapoides Stary, 1971; Ormosia (O.) egena
(Bergroth, 1891); Antocha (O.) alpigena (Mik,
1883); Dicranomyia (D.) omissinervis Meijere,
1918; Limonia dilutior (Edwards, 1921);
Lipsothrix eccuculata Edwards, 1938;
Metalimnobia (M.) zetterstedti (Tjeder, 1968)
and Orimarga (Orimarga) juvenilis (Zetterstedt,
1851) between Limoniids; Dicranota (P.) flammatra
Stary, 1981 and Pedicia (Crunobia) stary
Savchenko, 1978 between Pediciids and a new record
of Cylindtotomidae, Triogma trisulcata (Schummel,
1829). Baeoura malicky Mendl and Tjeder is
new record to the Bulgarian fauna. A short comment
on general distribution of the species is also
Key words: new records, Limoniidae,
Pediciidae, Cylindrotomidae, distribution.
luiza@biolog.ubbcluj.ro |
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Contributions to the knowledge of
the genus Edwardsiana Zachv. (Hemiptera:
Cicadomorpha: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) in Romania
Valentin Popa1
– Bolyai” University, Department of Taxonomy and
Ecology, Clinicilor 5-7 Street, 3400 – Cluj Napoca,
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 10:
71-79, 2005
Summary: This article represents an overview
about the occurrence of some Typhlocybin species
belonging to the genus Edwardsiana Zachv. in
Romania. There are fifteen species belonging to this
genus so far recorded in the fauna of Romania.
Basing mainly on our recent studies and also on
literature data, we found that within fifteen
previous records, twelve are reliable and three are
unreliable. The unreliable data refer to E.
kemneri (Ossian.), E. lethierryi (Edw.)
and E. frustrator (Edw.) probably
misidentified due to male parasitisation. Three
species belonging to the genus Edwardsiana
Zachv. are recorded for the first time in Romania:
E. avellanae (Edw.), E. spinigera Edw.
and E. ulmiphagus (Wils. & Clar.); two
species for the first time in the fauna of
Transilvania: E. ampliata (Wgn.) and E.
prunicola (Edw.). According to the occurrence of
some Edwardsiana Zachv. species in the
neighbouring countries, we should expect a presence
in Romania of at least thirty.
Key words: Edwardsiana, occurrence,
first record, Transylvania County, Romania.
e-mail: valentin@hasdeu.ubbcluj.ro |
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Diversity and the main ecological
requirements of the epigeic species of Carabidae
(Coleoptera: Carabidae) from two types of forest
ecosystems in Suceava County (Moldavia)
Mircea Varvara1
I Creangă Str., Bl. 23A., Ap. 13, 700333, Iaşi,
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 10:
81-88, 2005
Summary: The present paper is a synthetic one
dealing with the epigeic ground beetles from the
coniferous and beach forests of the Suceava County.
It presents the alpha diversity of ground beetles
from seven sites (coniferous forest) and one site
(beach forest), the variation of the relative
abundance of ground beetles, the Shannon index,
evenness, and the main ecological requirements of
the species, and the general characteristics of the
coenoses of ground beetles as concerns the classes
of ecological requirements.
Key words: Coniferous forest, beach forest,
alpha diversity, relative abundance, Shannon index,
evenness, main ecological requirements.
e-mail: mvarvara@uaic.ro |
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Two new invasive alien spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) in
Romanian arachnofauna
István Urák1
Sapientia, Facultatea de Ştiinţe şi Arte, Str. Matei
Corvin Nr. 4, RO - 400112 Cluj-Napoca
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 10:
89-91, 2005
Summary: A great number of spiders living in
houses and other human-made structures are invasive
species, they are introduced by humans. Segestria
florentina (Rossi, 1790) from the family
Segestriidae and Achaearanea tabulata Levi,
1980 from the family Theridiidae are two new
invasive alien species (IAS) in Romania.
Key words: Romania, new records, invasive
alien species (IAS), faunistics, araneae.
e-mail: istvan.urak@milvus.ro |
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Rove Beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from the
collection of the Oltenia Museum Craiova
Melania Stan1
& Cornelia Chimişliu2
Antipa” National Museum of Natural History,
Department of Terrestrial Fauna, Sos. Kiseleff no.
1, Bucharest, RO-011341, Romania
2Oltenia Museum, Natural History Dept.,
Craiova, Str. Popa Şapcă, no. 8, Craiova, RO-200000,
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 10:
93-97, 2005
Rezumat: Lucrarea prezintă 55 de specii
stafilinide incluse în 26 genuri, 10 triburi şi 8
subfamilii, conservate în colecţia Muzeului Olteniei
Craiova. Speciile provin din 33 situri colectare
judeţele: Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinţi, Vâlcea, Tulcea şi
Constanţa, predominând materialul colectat din
judeţul Dolj. Specia Aleochara breiti
Ganglbauer, 1897 este menţionată pentru prima dată
in fauna României.
Key words: rove beetles, Oltenia Museum,
e-mail: mstan@antipa.ro,
chimisliu_cornelia@yahoo.com |
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