4 – 1999
Ceratoxanthis rakosyella
sp.n., eine bemerkenswerte neue Schmetterlingsart aus
Rumänien (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae)
Ceratoxanthis rakosyella sp.n., a remarkable new
species of moth (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) from Romania
Christian Wieser1
& Peter Huemer2
20 – Fachlicher Naturschutz, Amt der Kärntner
Landesregierung, Wulfengasse 13, A-9020,
Klagenfurt, Österreich
2Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum,
Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlugen, Feldstr. 11a,
A-6020 Innsbruck, Österreich
article no.: Entomologica romanica 4: 5-9, 1999
Summary: Ceratoxanthis rakosyella
sp.n., a new species of Cochylini (Lepidoptera,
Tortricidae) is descibed from Dobrogea (eastern
The adult and its genitalia are figured and compared
with the morphologically closely related C.
iberica Baixeras 1992 from Spain.
Keywords: Ceratoxanthis rakosyella
sp.n., new species, Dobrogea. |
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The commented checklist of Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera)
of Romania
Zoltán Kovács1 & Sándor Kovács1
Laszlo Ferenc, Bl. 3A/16, RO-4000, Sfântul Gheorghe, România
article no.: Entomologica romanica 4: 11-44, 1999
Summary: The family Gelechiidae is revised based on the
study of the material deposited in the “L. Diószeghy” collection
in the Museum of Sf.. Gheorghe and the private collection of the
authors. Results are completed with data obtained after the
critical survey of the literature.
239 species of gelechiid moths are recorded from Romania, the
systematic list and the synonyms are given. The checklist is
followed by commentaries referring to 117 species: 37 species
are new records to the Romanian fauna, their genitalia are
figured; 16 species formerly recorded in different publications,
but not included in the list of Popescu-Gorj (1984) are
confirmed based on the examined material; 8 formerly recorded,
but misidentified or improbable species are excluded from the
list; 33 species are identified only in the bibliography.
Keywords: Gelechiidae, Romania, faunistics, commented
e-mail: kovacs@nextra.ro,
adonis@cosys.ro |
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First record of Aethes fennicana (M. Hering,
1924) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae, Cochylini) in Romania
Zoltán Kovács1, Sándor Kovács1 &
Constantin Corduneanu2
Laszlo Ferenc, Bl. 3A/16, RO-4000, Sfântul Gheorghe,
2Aleea Transilvaniei 4, bl. A7/5,
RO-6800, Botoşani,
article no.: Entomologica romanica 4: 45-47, 1999
Summary: Aethes fennicana (M. Hering,
1924) is reported from Romania for the first time.
Description of the adult and the male and female
genitalia, distributional and biological data are
given. With 5 figures.
Keywords: Aethes fennicana, Romania,
e-mail: kovacs@nextra.ro,
adonis@cosys.ro |
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Lepidopterologische Biodiversität eines kleinräumigen steppenartigen
Naturschutzgebietes in Siebenbürgn (Suatu, Transsylvaniein, Rumänien)
Biodiversitatea lepidopterologică dintr-o rezervaţie naturală
stepică, cu suprafaţă restrânsă din Transilvania (Suatu, România)
László Rákosy1 (unter Mitarbeit von Marg-Wladimir Manoliu)
für Biologie, Republicii 48, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
article no.: Entomologica romanica 4: 49-68, 1999
Rezumat: Rezervaţia stepică Suatu I şi-a
câştigat renumele datorită unor specii endemice şi
rare de plante. Deşi ridicată, biodiversitatea
entomologică a fost neglijată.
Pentru realizarea lucrării, autorul a studiat şi
colectat lepidoptere în perioada 1977-1999. În 1997
şi 1998 a funcţionat o capcană luminoasă permanentă,
amplasată la baza dealului care adăposteşte
rezervaţia. Pentru colectările nocturne s-au
utilizat 3-6 capcane luminoase portabile tip
“găleată” alimentate de la acumulatori, ecranul şi
turnul luminos, cu diverse surse de lumină,
alimentate de generatoare portabile.
Dintre macrolepidoptere s-au identificat 467 de
specii (Tabel 1).
Oncocnemis confusa (Freyer) se cunoaşte din
fauna României deocamdată numai din acest punct.
Alte specii ca Leucania putrescens (Hübner),
L. zeae (Duponchel) se află la a doua
semnalare din România şi la prima din Transilvania.
Alte specii ca Conisania poelli ostrogovichi
(Draudt), Cucullia mixta lorica (Ronkay &
C. xeranthemi
(Boisduval), Euxoa hastifera (Donzel),
Philotes bavius hungaricus (Dioszeghy),
Plebejus sephirus (Frivaldszky), Muschampia
cribrellum (Eversmann), Cupido osiris
(Meigen), Catopta thrips
(Hübner) ş.a. sunt rare şi locale.
Comunitatea macrolepidopterelor de la Suatu I este
caracterizată prin specii xerotermofile, stepice. În
mod paradoxal, la capcana luminoasă s-au înregistrat
şi câteva specii higrofile (Archanara
geminipuncta (Haworth), A. dissoluta
(Treitschke)) precum şi numeroase coleoptere
acvatice şi trihoptere. Aceste specii provin din
zona lacurilor piscicole, situate la 3-4 km spre est
de rezervaţia Suatu I. Speciile dominante şi
codominante sunt prezentate în tabelul nr. 2. Dintre
acestea se remarcă Phragmatobia fuliginosa
(Linnaeus) cu 11,36% şi Dicallomera fascelina
(Linnaeus) cu 9,24% din totalul indivizilor
colectaţi la capcana luminoasă în 1998.
Se menţionează măsuri concrete de protecţie şi
conservare, propunându-se extinderea rezervaţiei, de
la cel botanic la unul botanic-entomologic
(zoologic). Argumentele pentru acestă necesitate
sunt prezentate în articol.
Keywords: Biodiversity, Conservation, Faunal
work, Lepidoptera, Xerothermophilous species.
icb@mail.dntcj.ro |
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Ethmia iraniella
Zerny 1940 (Ethmiidae) und Aterpia circumfluxana
Christoph 1881 (Tortricidae), zwei für Rumänien neue
Heinz Neumann1
Arieş 20/20, RO-1900, Timişoara, România
article no.: Entomologica romanica 4: 69-72, 1999
Rezumat: Din zone geografice mai puţin
cercetate entomofaunistic, autorul semnalează două
specii de lepidoptere noi pentru fauna României:
Ethmia iraniella Zerny, din sudul Olteniei, din
zona dunelor de nisip de pe lângă Dunăre şi
Aterpia circumfluxana Christoph, o specie rară
în Europa, cunoscută numai din Italia, şi care a
fost descoperită în vestul ţării la Căpâlnaş, în
lunca Mureşului. Pentru ambele specii se face o
descriere sumară a morfologiei externe şi a
desenului aripilor.
De asemenea sunt figurate şi descrise caracterele
specifice ale armăturii genitale masculine la
fiecare din cele două specii.
Keywords: Ethmia iraniella Zerny,
Aterpia circumfluxana Christoph, Faunistik,
Rumänien, Morphologie. |
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Two interesting antlion (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae)
species from Romania
György Sziráki1
of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum,
H-1088, Budapest, Baross utca 13, Hungary
article no.: Entomologica
romanica 4: 73-75, 1999
Summary: Two myrmeleontid species
Neuroleon microstenus (McLachlan 1898) and
Gymnocnemia variegata (Schneider, 1845) were
collected first time in Romania. G. variegata
was not reported neither from this country, nor from
the whole Carpathian region. In addition to the
generally used distinctive features of the two
discussed species, newly recognized details of male
and female genitalia of N. microstenus and
the related N. nemausiensis (Borkhausen 1791)
are given.
Keywords: Myrmleontidae, Romania, Carpathian
region, new findings, male and female genitalia. |
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The spatial distribution of the praticolous thrips
species (Insecta: Thysanoptera)
Liliana Vasiliu-Oromulu1
Academy, Institute of Biology Bucharest, Spl.
Independenţei 296, RO-79651, Bucharest, Romania
article no.: Entomologica romanica 4: 77-80, 1999
Summary: It is mentioned for the first time
that, for the thrips species collected in the
meadows of the Gârbova Massif, by the sweeping and
by the bloomed plants shaking method, the spatial
distribution belongs to the negative binomial type
and for some species, it has the tendency to go
towards the logarithmic series.
Keywords: Thysanoptera, spatial distribution,
sweeping, shaking method. |
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The study of the temporal dynamics of the thrips
populations (Insecta: Thysanoptera) from mountains
Liliana Vasiliu-Oromulu1
Academy, Institute of Biology Bucharest, Spl.
Independenţei 296, RO-79651, Bucharest, Romania
article no.: Entomologica romanica 4: 81-84, 1999
Summary: The diurnal dynamics of thrips
populations, their ethology have been studied in a
secondary meadow at 800 m, in the Gârbova
Keywords: Thysanoptera, diurnal dynamics,
ethology, mountain meadow. |
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The taxonomical structure of the thysanoptera (Insecta:
Thysanoptera) from the Gârbova Massif
Liliana Vasiliu-Oromulu1
Academy, Institute of Biology Bucharest, Spl.
Independenţei 296, RO-79651, Bucharest, Romania
article no.: Entomologica romanica 4: 85-87, 1999
Summary: The study of the thysanoptera
associations’ structure in the secondary meadows, in
the Gârbova
Massif, allowed the mentioning of 65 new species for
this massif, from the total of 78 identified
By the sweeping method 68 thysanoptera species were
sampled, out of which 23 species only by this
method, and by the method of shaking the plants in
bloom 58 species, out of which only 15
characteristic to this method.
Keywords: Thysanoptera, specii noi pentru
Masivul Gârbova. |
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Tachinidae (Diptera) reared from Tortricidae
(Lepidoptera) in Romania
Alecu Diaconu1 & Hans-Peter Tschorsnig2
of Biological Researches, Laboratory of Biological
Control, Bd. Copou 20A, RO-6600 Iaşi, Romania
2Naturkundemuseum, Rosenstein 1, D-70191,
Stuttgart, Germany
article no.: Entomologica romanica 4: 89-93, 1999
Summary: Five species of Tachinidae (Diptera)
have been reared from six species of Tortricidae
(Lepidoptera) in Romania. Ancylis selenana is
a new host of Actia pilipennis.
The role played by tachinids in the destruction of
foliphagous torticid larvae from orchards is
reduced, compared with other parasitoids, especially
Hymenoptera. In the climatic conditions of Iaşi,
hosts’ parasitization by tachinids obtained begins
in the lest ten days’ period of May.
Keywords: Tachinidae, Tortricidae,
parasitoid. |
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New ant taxa (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the
Romanian fauna
Bálint Markó1
University, Catedra de Zoologie, Clinicilor 5-7,
40006 Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County, Romania;
present address: Dept. of Ecology, University of
Szeged, HU-6701 Szeged, PO Box 51.
article no.: Entomologica romanica 4: 95-98, 1999
Summary: Three new ant taxa are presented for
the Romanian fauna: Leptothorax slavonicus,
Stenamma debile and Myrmica vandeli. The
first two species are described as new based on some
revisions in ant taxonomy made lately, while M.
vandeli has never been reported from Romania up
to now. This speices is considered rare and to have
a patchy distribution all over Europe. Morphological
and distributional characteristics of the species
are presented.
Keywords: Formicidae, Romania, Leptothorax
slavonicus, Stenamma debile, Myrmica vandeli.
e-mail: mbalint@biolog.ubbcluj.ro, mbalint@bio.u-szeged.hu |
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