12 – 2007
Biodiversität der Karstgebiete im Karpatenbecken am
Beispiel der Gross-Schmetterlingsfauna der
Turzii-Schlucht bzw. des Aggteleker Karstgebietes
Biodiversitatea zonelor carstice din bazinul
carpatic, exemplificată prin fauna de Macrolepidoptera
din Cheile Turzii (Turzii Gorges) si carstul de la
Zoltán Varga1
& László Rákosy2
of Evolutionary Zoology and Anthropology, University
Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1, H-4010 Debrecen, Hungary
2Dept. of Taxonomy and Ecology, “Babeş-Bolyai”
University of Cluj Napoca 5-7, Clinicilor Str.
R-3400 Cluj Napoca, Romania
article no.: Entomologica romanica 12: 15-29, 2007
Summary: The authors compare and discuss the
faunal composition of Lepidoptera and the
biogeographical characteristics of two Central
European regions ranked among the richest in species
and characterized by transitional character. They
are: the Aggtelek karst in North-Eastern Hungary a
focal area of Pannonian, Carpathian and Continental
influences, and the karstic area (Turzii gorge)
lying in the North-Eastern part of the Apuseni
Mountains (Transylvania), which displays Pannonian,
Dacian and Ponto-Caspian influences. The large
number of endemic taxa present, as well as high
biodiversity (about 2,000 species of Lepidoptera),
clearly demostrate the outstanding value of these
habitats for flora and fauna protection and
generally, for the nature conservation in the
Carpathian Basin and Europe.
Rezumat: Autorii prezintă şi compară două
regiuni din Europa Centrală, considerate a fi dintre
cele mai bogate în specii şi caracterizate printr-o
mare interferenţă biogeografică. Este vorba de
nord-estul Ungariei (carstul de la Aggtelek),
regiune de tranzit panonică- continentală- carpatică
şi carstul din nord-estul Munţilor Apuseni (Transilvania)
cu influenţe panonice, dacice şi ponto-caspice.
Numărul mare al taxonilor endemici precum şi
biodiversitatea extrem de ridicată (peste 2000
specii de leipdoptere), confirmă valoarea acestor
habitate pentru protecţia şi conservarea florei şi
faunei bazinului carpatic şi Europei.
e-mail: laszlorakosy@hasdeu.ubbcluj.ro |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Gene berichten über die Vergangenheit: Die molekulare
Biogeographie europäischer Tagfalterarten
Thomas Schmitt1
Universität Trier, Am Wissenschaftspark 25-27, D – 54286 Trier,
article no.: Entomologica romanica 12: 31-39,
Kurzfassung: Genetische Untersuchungen erlauben
früher aufgestellte biogeographische Hypothesen bezüglich der
Arealdynamik in verschiedenen Artengruppen zu überprüfen. In
dieser Arbeit werden Beispiele von mediterranen, kontinentalen
und alpinen Tagfalter- und Widderchenarten vorgestellt, die
mittels Allozymelektrophorese untersucht wurden. Für Vertreter
mediterraner Arten konnten die unterschiedlichen glazialen
Refugialbereiche im Mittelmeerraum bestätigt werden, wobei die
glazialen Disjunktionen in diesem Bereich von den ökologischen
Potentialen der einzelnen Arten abzuhängen scheinen. Auch die
postglazialen Arealexpansionen konnten für diese Arten
weitgehend rekonstruiert werden, wobei Generalisten keine oder
nur geringe Verluste genetischer Diversität beim Prozess ihrer
Expansion zeigten, Spezialisten jedoch deutliche genetische
Verarmungen von Süden nach Norden aufwiesen. Für kontinentale
Arten scheint eine Herkunft aus ostpaläarktischen
Glazialrefugien nur für eine beschränkte Anzahl von Vertretern
zuzutreffen; vielmehr ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass etliche
Arten aus dieser Gruppe eine bemerkenswerte Anzahl von
extramediterranen glazialen Differenzierungszentren in Europa
besitzen, was zu komplexen Arealfluktuationen führte. In der
Gruppe der alpinen Arten zeigen solche mit arkto-alpinen
Disjunktionen recht einfache phylogeographische Muster, die sich
durch einen postglazialen Rückzug aus dem Periglazial erklären
lassen. Arten mit ausschließlich alpinen Arealteilen zeigen sehr
viel komplexere genetische Strukturen, welche sich vermutlich
durch disjunkte Verbreitungsgebiete während glazialer und
interglazialer Phasen und hochkomplexe Arealverschiebungen
ableiten lassen.
Schlüsselwörter: Allozyme, Phylogeography, arcto-alpin,
kontinental, Lepidoptera, mediterran, Postglazial,
e-mail: thsh@uni-trier.de |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Bildet der Jenissei eine pleistozän entstandene
Eine Diskussion am Beispiel der paläarktischen
Libellenfauna (Odonata)
Thomas Brockhaus1
der Morgensonne 5 09387 Jahnsdorf/Erzgebirge Germany
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12: 41-59, 2007
Summary: The current distribution of many
palaearctic dragonflies can be explained by a
hypothetic periglacial fauna that existed through
the entire ice age. This amends the established
hypotheses claiming the sole re-immigration from
refugia in post-glacial times. The peri-glacial
dragonfly fauna may be the cold-tolerant part of a
pre-glacial pliocene fauna. With the new hypothesis
the following types of distribution of palaearctic
dragonflies can be explained:
• species with a trans-palaearctic east to west
distribution, e. g. Lestes sponsa, Sympetrum
• species with a trans-palaearctic east to west
distribution, centring in the boreal zone, e. g.
Aeshna crenata, Somatochlora sahlbergi
• western and eastern palaearctic distributions of
subspecies and closely related species, e. g.
Leucorrhinia rubicunda and L. intermedia
• cold-tolerant species with a disjunctive
distribution, e. g. Coenagrion hylas,
Somatochlora alpestris
More types of distribution are presented, such as
western and eastern palaearctic ranges and ranges
which are the results of refugia (Coenagrion
mercuriale, Somatochlora meridionale, Ischnura
aralensis). During the peak of the Saale glacial
period when even western Siberia was covered by an
icesheet parts of the peri-glacial fauna were
probably subdivided into eastern and western
populations. This may have happened near the
Jenissei river or further east around the Jenissei,
Western and Eastern Sajan mountain ranges. The
genetic differentiation of these populations led to
their current status as subspecies or species. The
ranges of some cold-tolerant species disintegrated
after the ice-age leading to boreo-montane and other
Key words: Odonata, Zoogeography, plaearctic
Dragonfly fauna, peri-glacial fauna.
t.brockhaus@t-online.de |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Systematischer Katalog der bisher in Rumänien verzeichneten
Rhynchitidae und Attelabidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea)
Iuliana Antonie1
für Agrarwissenschaften, Lebensmittelindustrie und
Umweltschutz in Sibiu/Hermannstadt, Str. Dr. Ion
Ratiu, nr. 7-9, RO-550012 Sibiu, Romania
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
61-76, 2007
Zusammenfassung: Ein erster
Curculioniden-Katalog wurde vom Siebenbürgischen
Verein für Naturwissenschaften in Hermannstadt/Sibiu
von E. A. Bielz im Jahr 1850 publiziert; er enthält
rumänische Arten der Rhynchitidae und Attelabidae.
Dieses Verzeichnis wurde bei nachfolgenden
Publikationen aktualisiert (Bielz 1850, 1851; Fuss
1852, 1858, 1860, 1873, 1874; Seidlitz 1888; Petri
1912, 1925; Cosmovici 1901; Hormuzaki 1901,1904;
Montandon 1887; Flek 1904; Panin 1951). Dabei ist zu
vermerken, dass alle genannten Untersuchungen nur
eine Liste der in Rumänien identifizierten
Curculioniden enthalten, ohne sie zu systematisieren,
weil nähere Kenntnisse über die Überfamilie der
Curculionoidea fehlten. Erst die wissenschaftlichen
Erkenntnisse der letzten Periode sowie unser Beitrag
haben es ermöglicht, einen systematischen Katalog zu
erstellen, der ausser Informationen über die
Systematik der einzelnen Familien auch Daten ihrer
Präsenz in Rumänien liefert. Im vorliegenden Katalog
sind die Familien Rhynchitidae und Attelabidae der
Überfamilie Curculionoidea, Ordnung Coleoptera,
enthalten, die in der rumänischen Fauna 29 Arten
stellen, die 14 Gattungen angehören
Key words: Katalog, Rhynchitidae, Attelabidae,
iuliana_antonie@yahoo.com |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Preliminary results of the phylogeography of the
montane caddisfly Hydropsyche tenuis and a
comparison of its population structure with the one of
Drusus discolor
Stephanie Lehrian1,
Steffen U. Pauls1
& Peter Haase1
Institute Senckenberg, Department of Limnology and
Conservation, Gelnhausen, Germany
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
77-82, 2007
Summary: In this study we compared
mitochondrial sequence data (COI) to infer the
population structure of the two montane caddisflies
Hydropsyche tenuis and Drusus discolor.
The two species represent different models of
montane aquatic insects: D. discolor is
restricted to elevations above 600m, Hydropsyche
tenuis is limited to the same mountain ranges in
central Europe but inhabits much lower elevations.
Thus the two represent different models for montane
insects. To determine the basic population structure
of both species conventional population genetics
analyses were applied to mitochondrial sequence
data. We collected and sampled 121 specimens of
H. tenuis from 29 sites in 10 different regions
of the central European highlands and 138
individuals of D. discolor from 40 sites in
11 different regions. Nine unique haplotypes were
identified for H. tenuis and 34 haplotypes
for D. discolor. We observed unexpected
differences comparing the population structure of
this two montane caddisflies.
Key words: population structure,
mitochondrial DNA, montane caddisflies,
Hydropsyche tenuis, Drusus
discolor |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Adventivarten der Nitidulidae und Kateretidae (Coleoptera:
Cucujoidea) in Mitteleuropa
Josef Jelínek1
Abteilung des Nationalmuseums, CZ-148 00 Praha
4-Kunratice 1, Tschechische Republik
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
83-86, 2007
Kurzfassung: Übersicht der Adventivaerten der
Käferfamilien Kateretidae und Nitidulidae in
Mitteleuropa ist
gegeben und ihre Verbreitungsstrategien sind
diskutiert. Seit 1950 haben sich in Mitteleuropa
folgende Arten akklimatisiert: Brachypterolus
vestitus (Kiesenwetter) (Kateretidae),
Carpophilus hemipterus (Linnaeus), C.
marginellus Motschulsky, C. truncatus
Murray, Epuraea luteola Erichson, E.
ocularis Fairmaire, Glischrochilus fasciatus
(Olivier), G. quadrisignatus (Say) und
Stelidota geminata (Say) (Nitidulidae).
Key words: Coleoptera, Nitidulidae,
Kateretidae, Adventivarten, Faunistik, Mitteleuropa
jj.nitidula@seznam.cz |
[details, abstract] |
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Morphology of the mouth parts of adult Mystacides
azurea Linnaeus, 1761
Carla Corallini1
& Fernanda Cianficconi1
di Biologia Cellulare e Ambientale, Università di
Perugia, Via Elce di Sotto, 06123 Perugia
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
87-90, 2007
Summary: In this study the mouth apparatus of
adults of Mystacides aurea (Trichoptera
Leptoceridae) was observed using scanning electron
microscopy. The principal characters of every part
and the morphology and microstructures were examined
and described. The antennae were also examined.
Key words: Mystacides azurea, mouth
apparatus, ultrastructure. |
[details, abstract] |
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The larva of Anabolia anatolica Sipahiler, 2001 (Trichoptera,
Füsun Sipahiler1
Universitesi, Egitim Fakültesi, OFMA Bölümü,
TR-06800 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
91-94, 2007
Summary: In this study the unknown larva of
Anabolia anatolica Sipahiler, 2001 is
described and illustrated. The features of the pupal
exuviae are also given. A. anatolica is a
relict species found in southern Turkey, the
relatives, A. laevis Zetterstedt, 1840 and
A. furcata Brauer, 1857 are found in northern
and eastern part of Europe. The larva of A.
anatolica close to the larva of A. laevis
by dark coloured anterior edge of the frontoclypeus
and differs from both larvae by the shape of the
pattern found in the middle of the pronotum.
Key words: Trichoptera, Limnephilidae,
Anabolia anatolica, immature stages. |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Comparing the population structure of two sympatric
caddisflies in eastern Europe: First results
Steffen U. Pauls1,
Kathrin Theissinger1,
Krassimir Kumanski2,
Lujza Ujvarosi3,
Peter Haase1
Inst. Senckenberg, Dept. of Limnology and
Conservation, Gelnhausen, Germany
2National Museum of Natural History, Sofia,
3Babes-Boylai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
95-99, 2007
Summary: In our study to examine and compare
the intraspecific population structure of two
sympatric caddisfly species in the Carpathians and
Bulgarian highlands and address how population
genetic structure varies between sympatric species
that occupy the same ecological niche. Study species
are Drusus discolor and D. romanicus.
99 specimens of D. discolor and 42 D.
romanicus (Total = 141) were sequenced. A 498bp
long region of mitochondrial DNA (mtCOI) was
analysed. Median-Joining networks show that in both
species there is clear population structure within
the Carpathian Mts. This supports previous findings
of intraspecific differentiation between individual
ranges in the Carpathians. Lineage divergence within
D. romanicus is twice as high as within D.
discolor. This would suggest that populations of
D. romanicus have been isolated from each
other much longer than those of D. discolor.
A more in depth study comparing both species
phylogeography is needed to further investigate this
interesting first results.
Key words: median-joining networks, lineage
divergence, genetic structure, species
diversification. |
[details, abstract] |
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The distribution of the aquatic and semiaquatic
Heteroptera (Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha) in the middle
basin of the River Olt
Daniela Minodora Ilie1
Blaga” University of Sibiu, Faculty of Sciences
Ecology and Environmental Protection Dept. 31 Oituz
St., Sibiu, Romania
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
101-106, 2007
Summary: In this work we are going to analyze
the distribution of the species of aquatic and semi
aquatic Heteroptera identified by us in the middle
basin of the River Olt, function of the altitude
where the collecting stations are situated and
function of the types of habitats that were
researched. The presented facts might lead to the
conclusion that the aquatic and the semi aquatic
heteropterae in the researched area prefer a
relatively low altitude, situated between 350-500m.
The greatest diversity of the aquatic and semi
aquatic Heteroptera was recorded in the permanent
swamps (30 species), followed by the natural lakes
and the anthrop lakes (25 species per each), streams
(22 species), temporary swamps (15 species) and
rivers (11 species).
Key words: Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha,
distribution, altitude, habitat, the middle basin of
the River Olt.
iliedf@yahoo.com |
[details, abstract] |
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The Diversity of Aquatic Coleopterans (Insecta,
Coleoptera) in some Aquatorians from the East Region of
Ion Cojocaru1
of Biology, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
107-111, 2007
Summary: Paper presents data regarding
taxonomic and ecosystemic diversity of the aquatic
coleopterans from Moldova and Dobrogea regions
(Romania). The sampling of the aquatic coleopterans
was run 1996-2004 in seven types of aquatic basins
from plateau, mountain and Delta of Danube. Were
collected 67 species aquatic coleopterans belonging
of 14 families; 23 new species were mentioned from
Delta of Danube.
Key words: coleopterans, biodiversity,
Romania. |
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Lepidoptera of Humid Area „Orăşeni Vale” (Orăşeni
Vale, Botoşani County, Romania)
Constantin Corduneanu1,
Cătălin Balan2,
Ioan Surugiu3
Street, no. 1/5 Botoşani, Romania
2Cinema Street, no. 6/15 Botoşani,
3Octav Onicescu Street, no. 4/7 Botoşani,
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
113-120, 2007
Rezumat: Zona umedă „Orăşeni Vale” se găseşte
în NE României, la circa 10 km Sud de oraşul
Botoşani. Este situată aproape de izvoarele râului
Miletin, la o altitudine de circa 160 m, într-o zonă
depresionară înconjurată de dealuri joase. Solul
este mlăştinos (aluvionar), speciile vegetale
dominante fiind: Salix, Alnus glutinosa, Populus
alba, Phragmites communis, Typha etc. Dealurile
învecinate sunt împădurite cu specii forestiere,
dintre care predomină: Carpinus betulas, Populus
tremula, Quercus petraea, Quercus robur, Acer
platanoides, Acer campestre, Cerasus avium etc.
Între anii 1985-2007 autorii au efectuat 91 acţiuni
de colectare, fiind identificate un număr de 536
specii reprezentând 13,5 % din numărul speciilor de
lepidoptere cunoscute din România. Se remarcă
Arytrura musculus (Ménétriés, 1859), specie rară
de origine est-asiatică (Coreea, Japonia),
considerată un relict din vechea faună preglaciară.
Specia se mai găseşte în România în Delta Dunării,
Dobrogea şi lunca inferioară a Mureşului. Aceasta
este prima comunicare entomologică pentru această
interesantă zona umedă, iar pentru bogăţia şi
diversitatea speciilor de lepidoptere propunem
declararea zonei ca arie protejată.
Key words: Lepidoptera, Romania, Humid Area.
catalinbalan9@yahoo.es, jonsurugiu@yahoo.com |
[details, abstract] |
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Lepidoptera of humid area „Valea Seacă” (Horodnicu de
Sus, Suceava county, Romania)
Gabriela Corduneanu1
& Constantin Corduneanu1
Street, no. 1/5 Botoşani, Romania
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
121-122, 2007
Rezumat: Zona umedă „Valea Seacă” se găseşte
la NV oraşul Rădăuţi, pe teritoriul comunei
Horodnicu de Sus la o altitudine de circa 375 m.
Zona semnalată este un fragment din vechea albie a
unui pârâu, în prezent desecat datorită lucrărilor
efectuate între anii 1970-1975, pentru a transforma
zona umedă în teren arabil. Totuşi s-a menţinut o
zonă necultivată, utilizată de localnici ca fâneaţă.
Aici se mai menţin încă suprafeţe cu Sanguisorba
officinalis L. planta gazdă pentru speciile:
Maculinea teleius (Bergsträsser, 1779) şi
Maculinea nausithous (Bergsträsser, 1779). Alte
specii rare identificate sunt: Nascia cilialis
(Hübner, 1796); Euthrix potatoria (Linnaeus,
1758); Lycaena tityrus tityrus (Poda, 1761);
Lycaena hippothoe hippothoe (Linnaeus, 1761);
Aricia eumedon (Esper, 1780); Apamea
oblonga (Haworth, 1809); Hydraecia ultima
Holst, 1965; Coenobia rufa (Haworth, 1809);
Hyssia cavernosa (Eversmann, 1842). Aceasta
este prima comunicare entomologică pentru această
interesantă zona umedă, aflată în proprietate
privată. Deoarece s-a semnalat prezenţa următoarelor
specii: Euplagia quadripunctaria Poda, 1761,
Lycaena dispar rutila (Werneburg, 1864),
Maculinea teleius (Bergsträsser, 1779) şi
Maculinea nausithous (Bergsträsser, 1779)
menţionate în ANEXA 2 din Directiva Habitate a
Uniunii Europene propunem declararea zonei ca arie
Key words: Lepidoptera, Romania, Humid Area.
e-mail: corduneanug@yahoo.com |
[details, abstract] |
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A Catalogue of Platygastridae (Hymenoptera,
Platygastroidea) from Romania
Ovidiu Popovici1
& Klaus Fabritius2
Ioan Cuza” University, Faculty of Biology, Iasi,
2Institute of Public
Health, Bucharest, Romania
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
123-131, 2007
Summary: The Roumanian platygastrids faunas
are reviewed and checklists provided. Data are
provided on 58 species.
Key words: Platygastridae, parasitoid wasps,
e-mail: popovici_alin_ovidiu@yahoo.com,
nsuciu@ispb.ro |
[details, abstract] |
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A Catalogue of Scelionidae from Romania (Hymenoptera,
Klaus Fabritius1
& Ovidiu Popovici2
1Institute of Public
Health, Bucharest, Romania
Ioan Cuza” University, Faculty of Biology, Iasi,
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
133-161, 2007
Summary: The Roumanian scelionid faunas are
reviewed and checklists provided. Data are provided
on 145 species.
Key words: Scelionid endoparasitoid wasps,
Romania, checklist.
e-mail: nsuciu@ispb.ro, popovici_alin_ovidiu@yahoo.com |
[details, abstract] |
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Was ist Oxypoda montana Kraatz (Coleoptera:
Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) aus den Karpaten?
Lothar Zerche1
Entomologisches Institut (DEI) Leibniz-Zentrum für
Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) Eberswalder Str.
84, 15374 Müncheberg
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
163-183, 2007
Summary: Tectusa montana (Kraatz,
1856), described from the Austrian Alps without an
exact locality, was transferred from Oxypoda
by Zerche (2007). The type locality is now known,
because of its synonymization with the local endemic
Parocyusa franzi Scheerpeltz, 1958 (type
locality: Austria, Steiermark, Hochreichart) (Zerche
2007). It is compared with the related Tectusa
holdhausi (Bernhauer, 1902). The so-called
Oxypoda montana of most authors from the
Carpathians represents a complex of six geographical
separated Tectusa species described by Zerche
(2007): T. transsylvanica (Romania, South
Carpathians, Făgăraş), T. bucegiensis
(Romania, South Carpathians, Bucegi, Omu massif),
T. rosenauensis (Romania, South Carpathians,
Rosenauer Gebirge = Schuler = Postavaru peak near
Poiana Braşov), T. ceahlauensis (Romania,
East Carpathians, Ceahlău massif), T. rodnaensis
(Romania, Northeast Carpathians, Rodnaer Gebirge
= Munţii Rodnei), and T. nigromontis
(Ukraine, North Carpathians, Czerna Hora = Čornohora,
and Pop Ivan). The distribution of two species of
the Alps and six species from the Carpathians are
mapped. Records of “Oxypoda montana” from the
Vysoké Tatry (Poland, Slovakia) are neither
substantiated by specimens nor by any exact
collection date and therefore highly doubtful. Two
additional species are described as new, which were
collected with the aim to fill up gaps in the range,
just after the SIEEC 20: T. calimaniensis sp.
n. (type locality: Romania, East Carpathians,
Caliman mountains = Munţii Călimani) and T.
ciucasensis sp. n. (type locality: Romania,
Southeast Carpathians, Ciucaş peak = Vîrfu Ciucaş).
The new species are compared with related species,
figured, and mapped.
Key words: Coleoptera, Staphylinidae,
Aleocharinae, Tectusa, new species, Alps,
Carpathians, Austria, Poland, Romania, Ukraine,
e-mail: zerche@zalf.de |
[details, abstract] |
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Wheat pest entomofauna in climatic changes conditions
of central Transylvania
Dana Malschi1
University of Cluj-Napoca, Environmental Science
Faculty, 4., Ştefan cel Mare Sq. Cluj-Napoca,
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
185-193, 2007
Summary: Elaborated in 1989-2006 at
Agricultural Research Station Turda (Romanian
Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences), in
central Transylvania, the paper presents
agroecological study on the population dynamics and
attack evolution of wheat pests entomofauna: Diptera,
Homoptera, Thysanoptera, Coleoptera, Heteroptera
etc., in the climatic changes conditions of cereal
agroecosystems and biotechnological experiments on
the adequate integrated pest control methods,
enclosing insecticides efficiency, cultural measures
and entomophagous predators. The results on the
integrated pests control strategy were obtained with
the use of optimal zone crop technology. The high
efficiency on the control of main dangerous pests
and the achieved increasing yields are experimental
results which recommend the integrated pest
management and modern insecticides pest control.
Used on field treatments, at optimal application
moment, such insecticides like: tiachloprid,
thiametoxam, fipronil, bensultap, acetamiprid,
dimethoate, chlorpirifos-metil, deltametrin,
lambdacihalotrin, novaluron, lufenuron, fenitrotion
with fenvalerat, oxidemeton metil with beta-ciflutrin,
chlorpirifos with cypermetrin, dimethoate with
cypermetrin etc., had a very good efficiency in
pests control, especially in cereal flies,
leafhopper, aphids, trips, cereal leaf beetle
control, realizing the increasing of grain yields
average with 7-24 % and had protected useful
arthropod fauna. Intersting research regarding the
importance of useful arthropod populations was
carried out, too. The well-known systematic groups
of enthomophagous predators: Aranea; Dermaptera;
Thysanoptera (Aeolothripidae); Heteroptera (Nabidae
etc.); Coleoptera (Carabidae, Cicindelidae,
Staphylinidae, Sylphidae, Coccinellidae, Cantharidae,
Malachiidae); Diptera (Syrphidae, Scatophagidae,
Empididae etc.); Hymenoptera (Formicidae etc.);
Neuroptera (Chrysopidae) were represented in the
structure of arthropod fauna.
Key words: wheat flies, cereal leaf beetle,
aphids, leafhoppers, trips, insecticides,
entomophagous predators.
danamalschi@yahoo.com |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Insekten der Wildflusslandschaft des Tagliamento (Friaul
/ Italien) - Ergebnisse eines studentischen
internationalen Workshops 2006
Norbert Grosser1
Erfurt, University of Applied Sciences, FB
Landschaftsarchitektur und Gartenbau, Lehrgebiet
Zoologie und Tierökologie Leipziger Straße 77
D-99085 Erfurt
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
195-201, 2007
Summary: The results of an international
students workshop in august 2006 were presented
concerning faunistical data. At different transects
insect orders of Odonata, Saltatoria, partially
Lepidoptera and others were collected and determined
according to European habitats of Natura 2000.
Indicator species are used to characterize habitats,
structures and vegetation of Tagliamento river
landscape. We could demonstrate the high value and
vulnerability of this alpine river landscape.
Key words: Tagliamento river, international
workshop, insects, indicator species. |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
New records of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) from
Matúš Kúdela1
& Viera Stloukalová1
of Zoology, Comenius University, Mlynská dolina,
SK-842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
203-206, 2007
Summary: Blackfly fauna of Romania is very
poorly known, the majority of the existing data is
older than 40 years and true identity of these
species remains unclear due to taxonomic incoherence
and lacking material. Pupae, pupal exuviae and
larvae of blackflies were collected on various
places in Romanian Carpathian Mts. during 2006 and
2007. This paper presents the records of nine
blackfly species in Romania: Prosimulium
latimucro, P. rufipes, P. tomosvaryi, Simulium
argenteostriatum, S. argyreatum, S. maxiumm, S.
monticola, S. reptans and S. equinum.
Key words: Simuliidae, Romania, Carpathian
Mts., faunistics.
kudela@fns.uniba.sk |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Current state of the Buprestid (Coleoptera:
Buprestidae) study in Romania
Adrian Ruicănescu1
of Biological Research 48, Republicii Str. 3400,
Cluj Napoca, Romania
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
207-212, 2007
Summary: In this work, all known data about
history of the publications in Romanian Buprestidae,
faunsitic, ecological, biological and bionomical, as
well as some conclusions and recommendations are
briefly given
Key words: Buprestidae, Romania, Faunistic,
Ecology, Bionomy, Protected species.
e-mail: a_ruicanescu@yahoo.co.uk,
a.ruicanescu@gmail.com |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Communities of beetles in plantations of fast growing
plant species for energetic purposes
Jaroslav Boháč1,
Ivo Celjak1,
Jan Moudrý1,
Pavel Kohout1
Kateřina Wotavová1
of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia,
Studentská 13, 370 05 České Budějovice, The Czech
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
213-221, 2007
Summary: The communities of beetles were
studied using pitfall trapping in six bio-energy
plantations of fast growing trees (poplar) in the
agricultural landscape of southern Bohemia (Central
Europe). The plantations differs by the number of
trees (400 – 10.000). The vicinity of plantations
was different too. Three groups of habitats were
determined. The first two plantations were
surrounded by diverse landscape with water
ecosystems, the next pair plantations were close to
fields and pastures and the last two plantations
were environed by cultural forest and fields. The
program CANOCO version 4.51 for comparison was used
for the statistical evaluation of the material.
There were no found statistically evidential effect
of the number of trees in plantations on beetle
communities. The structure of communities of beetles
in plantations with the different surrounding
landscape and man effect strongly varies. This
effect was statistically documented by the PCA
method. The difference in beetle communities was
found in the separate months too. The highest
activity of beetles in plantations was during
June-July. The frequency of ubiquitous species in
plantations is clearly lower than in surrounding
fields and pastures. Some stenotopic and protected
species of beetles were found in plantations.
Key words: energy biomass plantations, epigeic
beetles, communities, agricultural landscape, man
impact, central Europe.
jardaboh@seznam.cz |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Spatial and temporal distribution of Plecoptera
larvae in the Prishtina River (Kosova)
Esad Dauti1,
Halil Ibrahimi1,
Agim Gashi1
& Linda Grapci-Kotori1
of Prishtina, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Prishtina
– Kosova
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
223-225, 2007
Summary: In this paper the spatial and
temporal distribution of Plecoptera larvae in the
Prishtina River (Kosova) was studied. Surber samples
were taken every month during a one-year period at
six selected stations. The results showed
variability on the presence of Plecoptera in respect
to temporal, spatial and anthropogenic factors.
Seven different families of Plecoptera were found (Nemouridae,
Capniidae, Perlodidae, Perlidae, Leuctridae,
Chloroperlidae and Taeniopterigidae) with 23 taxa
and 588 individuals.
Key words: Plecoptera, Prishtina River.
dautiesad@yahoo.com |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
The impact of sewage effluents in water quality and
benthic macroinvertebrate diversity of the Prishtina
river (Kosova)
Halil Ibrahimi1,
Esat Dauti1,
Agim Gashi1,
Sadbera Trožić - Borovac2,
Rifat Škrijelj2
& Linda Grapci-Kotori1
of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, University of
Prishtina, Kosovo
2Faculty of
Mathematical and Natural Sciences, University of
Sarajevo-Bosnia and Hercegovina
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
227-231, 2007
Summary: From December 2004 until November
2005 macrozoobenthos specimens were collected every
month with Surber net in six selected stations of
the Prishtina River . The Hilsenhoff Family Biotic
Index (FBI) and Shannon Weaver Index of Diversity on
family level were used to indicate organic and
nutrient pollution. In total 7 947 specimens
belonging to 56 families of macrozoobenthos groups
were found, mainly consisting of aquatic insects.
The FBI results during the one-year period show that
station P3 has the lowest value (4.6) and thus the
best quality of water, while the highest value of
this index was registered in station P5 (8.1) where
the impact from sewage input is huge and obvious.
The lowest value of Shannon Weaver Diversity Index
was registered in station P5 (0.33) while the
highest value was found in station P3 (4.04). These
results show that biodiversity of aquatic insects
(and macrozoobenthos in general) is seriously
threatened in the last three stations of Prishtina
river because of the direct discharge of sewage
Key words: Benthic macroinvertebrates,
sewageeffluents, Prishtina river.
dautiesad@yahoo.com |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
The comparative occurrence of two xylophagous
Coleoptera damaging wood of historic buildings in
Transylvania, Romania
Corneliu Bucşa1
Blaga” University, Faculty of Sciences, Department
of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Sibiu,
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
233-242, 2007
Summary: The research has been made on 120
historical monuments: citadels, castles, palaces,
churches, cultural institution, schools, etc. made
of either brick or wood, in use or abandoned, for
which biological examinations were made between
1990-2002. The species considered are Anobium
punctatum De Geer, 1774 and Xestobium
rufovillosum De Geer, 1774, as they have the
highest frequency in timber. The study emphasizes
their occurrence on the affected building elements:
beams, floors, walls, floor frames, roof frames and
vaults, according to their constituting wood
essences. The association and interdependence
between the attacks of the considered insects and
the fungi are pointed out
Key words: xylophagous coleoptera,
occurrence, historical monuments, timber, fungi. |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Species diversity of insects in pear ecosystem in
Constantina Chireceanu1
and Development Institute for Plant Protection
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
243-249, 2007
Summary: The investigations were carried out
in the chemical sprayed pear orchard of Researche-Development
Institute for Plant Protection Bucharest in 2003,
using the branch beating method. A total of 26031
individuals of insects were sampled, 22194 pest and
3837 beneficial insects. The pest entomofauna
included 32 species with the dominance indices
between 0.76-0.98 reached of pear psylla, the main
pest of pears in Romania. The beneficial entomofauna
included 48 species with the dominance indices
between 0.34-0.71 reached of ants. They are
attracted on the honeydew produced by psylla and
aphid colonies. In the pest insect community, the
species diversity showed higher values in April
(1.46) and May (1.88) and strong decreased in June
(0.8), July (0.49) and August (0.26). In the
beneficial community, the diversity of species was
the greatest in July (4.42) and August (4.68) and
the lowest from April to June (1.66-2.59).
Equitability indices values for beneficial
populations increased to about 1, while that of pest
populations decreased at levels of 0.29 and 0.18 in
July and August.
Key words: Pyrus communis, pest and
beneficial insects, species diversity, equitability
cchireceanu@yahoo.com |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Parasitism of the horse-chestnut leafminer
Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic (Lepidoptera:
Gracilariidae) in Bucharest area
Sonica Drosu1,
Constantina Chireceanu1,
Maria Ciobanu1
& Traian Manole1
Development Institute for Plant Protection
Bucharest, B-dul Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Nr. 8
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
251-255, 2007
Summary: The horse chestnut leafminer became
one of the dangerous pests of the green area in
Bucharest in the last ten years. It was carried out
studies on the biologie and the control
possibilities of this pest. This paper presents the
studies carried out in 2005-2006 at Bucharest-Băneasa
on the parasitism influencing the population level
of the population in this area.
Key words: parasitism, leafminer, horse
cchireceanu@yahoo.com |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Pardosa saltans Töpfer-Hofmann, 2000 (Araneae:
Lycosidae) a certain species for the Romanian fauna
Călin Uruci1
& Ioan Duma1
University of Timişoara, Faculty of
Chemistry-Biology-Geography, Department of Biology,
Str. Pestalozzi nr. 16, Timişoara, România
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
257-258, 2007
Summary: In this paper we present our
findings that confirm the existence of Pardosa
saltans Töpfer-Hofmann 2000 in the Romanian
arachnofauna. Also the actual distribution map of
the species in Romania is given.
Key words: Pardosa saltans, Romania.
e-mail: calin_1vet@yahoo.com, ioan.duma@email.ro |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Pseudeuophrys lanigera (Simon, 1871) (Araneae,
Salticidae) a new species for the Romanian Arachnofauna
Ioan Duma1
University of Timişoara, Faculty of
Chemistry-Biology-Geography, Department of Biology,
Str. Pestalozzi nr. 16, Timişoara, România
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
259-261, 2007
Summary: This paper presents for the first
time Pseudeuophrys lanigera (Simon, 1871) in
the fauna of Romania. Drawings of the male’s palp
are presented. Until now we’ve recorded this species
only in the south-western Romania (Banat region) in
three locations: Timisoara, Lugoj and Baile
Herculane. We expect however that in the future this
species will be found and in other regions of
Romania. In all collection places the individuals of
P. lanigera (Simon, 1871) were gathered in
autumn from and around the buildings
Key words: Pseudeuophrys lanigera
(Simon, 1871), Romania, fauna.
e-mail: ioan.duma@email.ro |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Trichoptera larvae as bioindicators for Bistriţa
River quality assessment
Diana Gheţeu1
„Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, Faculty of Biology
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
263-265, 2007
Summary: This study aims to verify the known
methods used in the biological assessment for
Bistrita River by macroinvertebraters of 8 samples
from different kinds of substrate or combinations
deep-velocity of water taken in May, July and
September 2005 using the Surber sampler (mesh
0,500μm, sample surface 1/20 m²). The most
appropriate index to investigate the
macroinvertebrates communities in small running
waters assessment in superior catchment area of
Bistriţa River was IBGN (Indice Biologique Global
Normalisee) – AFNOR NF T 90-350 utilized
successfully in France, requiring the family level
of identification. The macroinvertebrates
composition showed the dominant presence of
Trichoptera in oppositions to Plecoptera that missed
in some collecting seasons. To verify our
conclusions we will intend to define an ecological
preferendum (including pollution tolerance) for
Trichoptera larvae, at species level if possible,
using similar experiments mentioned in literature
concerning the ecotoxicity tests in
Key words: macroinvertebrates communities,
biological assessment, water quality.
dianagheteu@yahoo.com |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Complexes parasitaires de quelques espèces de coccides
(Homoptera, Coccidae) en Roumanie
Ioan Moglan1
“Al.I. Cuza” Iasi, Fac. de Biologie, 700505,
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
267-275, 2007
Résumé: Nous présentons ici les complexes
parasitaires pour cinq espèces de coccides de la
famille Coccidae: Eriopeltis festucae,
Parthenolecanium corni, P. rufulum, Physokermes
piceae et Sphaerolecanium prunastri. Pour
chaque complexe parasitaire nous présentons aussi le
rang de parasites les espèces importantes et les
pourcentages de parasitation
Mots-clef: Roumanie, complexe parasitaire,
espèce importante, pourcentage de parasitation. |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Leaf-beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) in Rimetea area
(district of Alba, România)
Alexandru Crişan1
Univ., Faculty of Biology and Geology, 5-7
Clinicilor str., Cluj-Napoca, Romania
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
277-281, 2007
Summary: A research made in Rimetea area on
leaf-beetle group has revealed a number of 47
species from 5 subfamilies, characteristic both to
xeric (Cryptocephalinae, Alticinae) and moist (Chrysomelinae,
Cassidinae) zones, leaf-beetle biodiversity
reflecting the habitat diversity of the area. A
number of 6 identified species are rare for Romanian
fauna and endangered.
Key words: leaf-beetles, Rimetea, habitats
acrişan@hasdeu.ubbcluj.ro |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Study on leaf-beetles (Coleoptra: Chrysomelidae) in the
area “Vălenii de Mureş”, Mureş county, Romania
Alexandru Crişan1
& Ştefan Balint1
“Babeş-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Biologie
si Geologie
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
283-290, 2007
Summary: An amount of 42 leaf-beetles
species, from 8 subfamilies were registered in
Vălenii de Mureş zone, in the area of two islands
limited by Mureş river branches, in which different
types of habitats were investigated. Tow
subfamilies, Chrysomelinae and Halticinae had
significantly great number of species, this proving
the dominant mezo-hygrophilous character of the
area. Five ecological indices were calculated for
each species. Some rare and endangered species are
Key words: Leaf-beetles, Mureş, Romania.
acrişan@hasdeu.ubbcluj.ro |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Faunistical and ecological study on leaf-beetles (Coleoptera:
Chrysomelidae) in Sălard area, Mureş county, Romania
Alexandru Crişan1
& Ştefan Balint1
“Babeş-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Biologie
si Geologie
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
291-296, 2007
Summary: An amount of 23 species of
leaf-beetles, from 5 subfamilies, were identified in
a research carried out in Salard area, Mureş county,
Romania, in 5 types of habitats here registered.
Ecological parameters as frequency, abundance,
dominance, constancy and ecological index concerning
the group, are given and discussed.
Key words: leaf-beetles, Chrysomelidae, Mureş,
acrişan@hasdeu.ubbcluj.ro |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Theridion uhligi Martin, 1974 (Araneae: Theridiidae)
new to Romania
Ioan Duma1
1 Decembrie 1918, Bl. 28, Ap. 19. Postal code:
305500, Lugoj, Jud. Timis, Romania
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
297-299, 2007
Summary: In this paper is presented and
illustrated for the first time in Romanian fauna
Theridion uhligi Martin, 1974. Till present
paper this species was cited just from Holland,
Belgium, Germany and Poland. This new finding
extends further to the South-East the distribution
of this rare species.
Key words: Theridion uhligi,
Theridiidae, Romania. |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Contributions to the knowledge of the leaf beetle fauna
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from Maramureş (northern
Sanda Maican1
of Biology Bucharest, Spl. Independentei 296,
060031, Romania
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
301-324, 2007
Summary: The paper represents a synthesis
regarding the presence of the chrysomelid species in
Maramureş, based on the material collected from this
area between 1995 and 2004, and also on the
bibliographical reports. There are listed 214
species, belonging to 55 genera from 11 subfamilies,
representing about 40% of the number of leaf beetles
species known in Romanian fauna. Also, the general
distribution of each species is given. Some endemic
species to the Carpathian Mountains:
Sclerophaedon carpathicus (Weise),
Neocrepidodera transsilvanica Fuss,
Psylliodes frivaldszkyi Weise, the
Alpine-Carpathian range: Neocrepidodera
cyanescens (Duftschmid) and to the Carpathian
and Dinaric Mountains: Psylliodes subaeneus
Kutschera are presented.
Key words: Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, leaf
beetle fauna, Maramureş, northern Romania.
e-mail: sanda.maican@ibiol.ro |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Thysanoptera (Insecta: Thysanoptera) populations,
bioindicators on mining spoil material sites in the
Retezat and Ţarcu-Godeanu Massifs
Liliana Vasiliu-Oromulu1
of Biology, 296 Splaiul Independentei, P.O.Box
56-53, Bucharest, RO-060031, Romania
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
325-341, 2007
Summary: The paper presents the thrips
populations/metapopulations from the herbaceous
layer of certain mining spoil material sites, a
first mention in the world literature, as well as
their dynamics during 1994- 1996 and 2000-2006 in
the Retezat and Ţarcu-Godeanu Massifs. A new layer
of spoil material and the flooding rains of June
1999 significantly affected the thrips communities
and their structure, revealing some of them as
bioindicators sensitive to these perturbing factors
(Frankliniella intonsa). Two years after the
waters had retreated, the thrips populations/
metapopulations manifested a tendency to come back
to their earlier structure. Their qualitative
structure (taxonomical diversity) and the
quantitative aspects (numerical, biomass density)
characterize the particularities of
Thysanopterocoenosis in the herbaceous layer of the
spoil material. The paper presents a comparison of
species richness between Thysanoptera from spoil
material and from other areas of the Retezat Massif.
The specific spectrum includes, in the Retezat
Massif, 59 species, out of which 6 species were
found only in the spoil material sites, 7 species
are new records for the Retezat Massif, and 2 new
for the Romanian fauna. All 31 thrips species from
the Ţarcu-Godeanu are new records for this Massif.
Key words: Thysanoptera, spoil areas, Retezat,
Ţarcu-Godeanu Massifs. |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |
Klimawandel und die Ausbreitung von Krankheiten: Durch
Arthropoden übertragene Infektionen in Mitteleuropa
Climate change and distribution of diseases:
Arthropod-borne infections in Central Europe
Horst Aspöck1
für Medizinische Parasitologie, Klinisches Institut
für Hygiene und Medizinische Mikrobiologie,
Medizinische Universität Wien (MUW),
Kinderspitalgasse 15, 1095 Wien
article no.:
Entomologica romanica 12:
343-362, 2007
Summary: The distribution of many diseases,
in particular, arthropod-borne infections depends
largely on climate. Arthropods are ectothermic
animals, thus their physiological functions,
behaviour, and ability to spread are linked with the
temperature. It is therefore without question that
global warming will influence the distribution of
the vectors and thus also of the pathogens
transmitted by them. It is generally accepted by
climatologists that global warming is a fact and
that (mainly due to the high and permanently rising
concentration of carbon dioxide, the most important
greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere) a further rise of
average global temperature (with some variation in
parts of the world) in the course of this century
cannot be avoided. According to various models
temperatures will rise at least by 1.5°C, possibly
even by more than 4°C, most probably by about 3°C by
the end of the century. This overview deals with
arthropod-borne infections in Central Europe and
possible alterations within the next decades. Almost
all arthropod-borne pathogens presently occurring in
Central Europe have invaded into this part of the
continent from glacial refugial centres in
Mediterranean and also Extramediterranean areas in
the course of the rapid rise of the temperature by
about 12°C after the end of the latest glacial
period about 10 000 years ago in the course of the
subsequent millennia. Almost all of them have
life-cycles independent of humans (plasmodia and
Rickettsia prowazeki are exceptions, but these
have been eradicated in Europe), thus belonging to
the “old stock” of organisms of Central Europe. The
recent emergence of previously unknown pathogens or
vectors is to be traced back to failure of earlier
detection (e.g. Borrelia burgdorferi s. l.,
several species of Rickettsiales, Babesia spp.;
Phlebotominae), or to introduction by human
activities as facets of globalisation (Leishmania
infanctum with infected dogs, Blue Tongue virus
possibly with infected ruminants; Aedes
albopictus with transported goods) or to the
introduction by migratory birds (e.g. Usutu virus,
West Nile virus) respectively, but not to climate
change. Nevertheless, it is no doubt that global
warming may lead to the emergence of pathogens and
vectors so far only known from Mediterranean
countries or even from tropical regions. The most
probable candidates are viruses as well as
Rickettsiales transmitted by hard ticks of the
subfamilies Hyalomminae, Haemaphysalinae,
Rhipicephalinae, furthermore viruses transmitted by
mosquitoes and viruses transmitted by sandflies.
Moreover, various pathogens may amplify their
vertical distribution to higher altitudes as has
been already shown for TBE. The repeatedly discussed
threat of a reemergence of malaria in Central Europe
can, however, be excluded.
Key words: Climate change, arthropod-borne
pathogens, distribution, Central Europe, ticks,
sandflies, fleas, arboviruses, Rickettsiales,
Borrelia, Babesia, Leishmania.
horst.aspoeck@meduniwien.ac.at |
[details, abstract] |
[pdf] |